401(k) Plan
Allows eligible employees to defer a portion of their compensation into the plan, as well as employer matching and profit sharing contributions.
Who Can Establish a 401(k) Plan?
Anyone with a business with or without employees. The business can be a sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation, partnership or any other type of legal entity.
Current tax deduction for business owner
Grow assets through the power of tax deferral
Help employees save for retirement
Asset and creditor protection
Shelter earnings from tax

We design & implement many types of 401(k) plans
- Traditional 401(k) Employee Saving
- Safe Harbor 401(k) Employee Saving
- Solo 401(k)
- Profit Sharing (Traditional & non-Safe Harbor)
It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.
Generate Tax Deductions
Contributions to the plan can result in enormous tax deductions.
Defer Income
Reap the tax benefits when you defer compensation until retirement.
Tax-Sheltered Growth
Your assets are sheltered from tax while held inside a retirement plan
Why Pension Investors?
Pension Investors is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected pension plan administrators.
We’re committed to providing the full spectrum of retirement planning services and staying cost effective and flexible.